Vern-A-Therm Opening Plug
Vern-A-Therm Opening Plug
If you do not have a Vern-a-Therm, then you will need this plug. Please also see the installation instructions.
The Vern-A-Therm Opening Plug is for use with the BC700-1, BC700-H, BC702-1, BC702-H, BC708-1, and BC708-H only.
When purchasing this plug without a B&C Oil Filter Adapter, please provide the serial number of the BC700-1, BC700-H, BC702-1, BC702-H, BC708-1, or BC708-H in the serial number box (above) before adding the plug to your cart.
When purchasing this plug with a B&C Oil Filter Adapter, add the word “ORDERED” in the serial number box (above) before adding the plug to your cart.
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