LR3D-14 Alternator Controller/Regulator, 14V (Homebuilt)

Part #: LR3D-14
Price: $295.00

The LR3D Controller combines three essential devices in one physical container, making it a lightweight, space-saving, and cost-effective alternative for any aircraft electrical system, while also improving safety of flight. First, the LR3D operates as a quiet, linear regulator, generating no audio or radio noise (in contrast to switching-type regulators). Second, it provides a vital safeguard for your aircraft electrical system with a solid-state, crowbar over-voltage protection circuit. And third, the LR3D Controller functions as an important low-voltage monitoring and warning system.

Available in 14 volt and 28 volt models, the LR3D weighs approximately 9 ounces, and is preferably mounted on the cockpit side of the firewall. It is also available with an optional battery temperature sensor ideal for aircraft in colder climates.

Used on all externally regulated alternators using circuit type “B” (one field lead grounded directly).

For Experimental Aircraft ONLY

Installation Note: Select a location for mounting that will protect unit from heat, vibration, and water. The pilot side of the firewall, or inside the cabin near the instrument panel, is recommended.

28V Installations:  The LR3D-28 should be paired with 28V OEM (non-B&C) alternators ONLY; the LS-1A should be selected for B&C Alternators installed in a 28V electrical system.

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