Extension for BC462-3H installed on Lycoming Engines (Homebuilt)
The FK710-1.25 Kit is specifically intended for use on Lycoming O/IO-540 engines when the B&C Oil Filter Adapter (OFA) is used in conjunction with the BC462-3H. The dynafocal mount of the O/IO-540 requires the OFA to be spaced aft 1.4” so the oil filter will clear the top engine mount tube. Moving the OFA aft also requires the BC462-3H alternator to be moved aft 1.25”. This kit includes the necessary spacer, extra-long Lycoming mounting studs, shear-coupling and gasket to make the required move.
Note: these dimensions are specific to RV-10 installations. Other O/IO-540 mounts could require slightly different spacers.
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