BC320-1 Continental Starter (STC/PMA)

Part #: BC320-1
Price: From: $1,293.00

The B&C Starter for Continental engines (C-75, C-85, C-90, C-145-2, O-200, IO-240, O-300-A, -B, and -C, and GO-300-A, -B, and -C) solves all the problems that other starter designs have had:  worn-out clutches, broken pinions, nagging oil leaks, and catastrophic failure modes. Featuring the durability of all-steel gears and heavy-duty ball-bearings, and the efficiency of a high-torque series-wound motor, the B&C Starter for Continental engines provides greater starting torque, while saving 4.3 to 5.2 lbs. over the old key-type and pull-cable type starters (respectively).

Since its introduction in 1994, the B&C Starter for Continental engines has established an impressive service record as the ONLY starter design on the market that has provided reliable, long-term service for these engines. In fact, many engine shops and flight schools use this starter exclusively, as well, due to its proven reliability and long service life.

The B&C Starter for Continental engines is STC-PMA approved for use in certificated aircraft, and is available with or without the STC. Two installation kits are also available:  one for replacing a key-type starter, the other for replacing a pull-cable type starter.

If you are replacing a key-type starter, you will need Installation Kit 501-1. Before installing the BC320, you will need to remove the needle bearing pressed into the engine case & install the supplied plug in its place.

If you are replacing a pull-cable starter, you will need Installation Kit 501-3. Before installing the BC320, you will need to cut off the 9/16 steel shaft that is installed in your engine case.

The B&C Starter for Continental engines: proven performance, unmatched reliability … by design.

To order the BC320-2 (12v Counter-Rotating) or BC320-3 (24v) versions of our Continental Starter, please call us!

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